Welcome to Pattison Lake!


We are excited you have chosen to live on the lake. If you are lucky enough to live on the lake, you are lucky enough!  We hope you find the following information helpful as you join the community.


Pattison Lake Association
The Pattison Lake Association (PLA) is an informal, voluntary association of homeowners who live on Pattison Lake. The association is driven by volunteers and fueled by donations of time, financial resources and energy.
The committees that you might consider joining are:

·       Education (boater safety, fish & wildlife, invasive species)

·       Social -annual picnic, boat parade and other activities

·       Lake Cleanup-annual lake clean up

The PLA also holds an annual member meeting usually in November. Our website is: https://www.pattisonlakeassociation.com/  Here you can find a history of the lake, information on the PLA, the type of lake we live on and upcoming events. We also have a Youtube channel and we hold educational meetings for lake residents. The recordings are on this site:  https://www.youtube.com/@pattisonlakeassociation4077


Share your email with us to receive newsletters which include items of interest about the lake. Send your email to:pattisonlakeassociation@gmail.com. As a new member of the community, we welcome your participation in the PLA.


Pattison Lake also has a Lake Management District (LMD). The LMD is composed of an advisory group that works with Thurston County to help maintain the quality of our lake. There is a tax assessment for this work that will start in 2024 and will go for ten years. In 2034 a vote will occur to see if lake residents wish to continue this assessment.


Toxic Algae notification

The lake has had an increase of toxic algae blooms which led to the creation of the LMD. If you wish to be notified of this occurrence, we encourage you to sign up here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/FtcpYnn/algaeadvisory

If you suspect algae bloom you can report it by calling: 360-867-2640 or 360-463-8107.


Lake fishing

Pattison Lake is open year-round and offers a good opportunity for fishing for stocked rainbow trout. The lake also supports naturally reproducing populations of largemouth bass, yellow perch, black crappie, and rock bass.  There is a public access boat launch and two bathrooms. The public access is located on the northeast corner of the lake  All boaters are reminded  the lake has a 5 mph speed limit year round and is considered a no-wake lake. The speed limit applies to the entire lake including the north and south basins. Two-pole fishing is allowed.


·       If you are new to the area know that Pattison Lake is very noisy during the 4th of July. If you have animals be aware of this as the frequent fireworks can by disturbing.


·       Pattison Lake is also home to turtles, coyotes, eagles, otters, beavers, geese, ducks and nutria https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/facts/nutria. Nutria are considered an invasive species and can be trapped and removed.


·       You should check with the county for policies that relate to cutting down trees or modifying the lakefront as any changes do require a permit and fees could be applied if you do this without them.